Friday, March 13, 2009

Currents Events in the Life of Jessica

This is a lucky week for my reader(s) because I am writing TWICE. It's a first time for such an event. This time I have come to give a quick update.

This calls for my favorite... A LIST! Today's top 20 things that can be done (that you didn't even think could be done) while living in and working in Japan:

1. Getting flowers and gifts from graduating seniors instead of the other way around

2. Getting commended for your "excellent swimming skills" (times included) at a SCHOOL dinner and then forced to give a speech in your utterly terrible Japanese

3. Singing karaoke by yourself on stage in front of all of your co-workers

4. Actually enjoying the cheesy Japanese photo booths so much you cannot wait to go again

5. Teaching a class where maybe 5 out of 30 students are even LOOKING at you

6. Watching movies like Titanic and Sister Act II in English class

7. Using way too many little picture icons in your text messaging

8. Middle of the week karaoke parties where you are applauded upon your late arrival

9. A whole week without eating dinner at home

10. Chocolate chip cookie dough (and cookies)!!

11. Getting asked for autographs on students' shiny new sports bags

12. Having the best enkai of all time with only 5 people

13. Dancing to Indian music in the middle of rural Japan with Americans

14. Late night dinner on the roof of your friend's apartment

15. Becoming comfortable with long, awkward silences

16. Realizing most of your teachers actually know how to speak English...they just choose not to until they've had a few...

17. Celebrating earthquakes

18. Listening to Obama's speeches on tape in the library while looking at pictures from a manga comic

19. Judo and small, messy apartments don't really mix

20. Finding a forecast of the flower blooming predictions all around the country

Next we have our top 10 list of exciting announcements:

1. 2 weeks until SOUTH KOREA

2. The cherry blossom trees are expected to bloom next week

3. That means picnics under the beautiful trees!

4. Only about 6 more classes left in this school year

5. I get to attend my first Japanese style wedding in 3 weeks

6. It is beginning to look a lot like spring time!

7. I bought my favorite cereal at the store last night

8. Everyone back home got my Thailand souvies :)

9. It is Friday

10. I MIGHT HAVE A VISITOR. More details to come.

Thanks for tuning into the updates. Mata ne (see you again)!

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