Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lazy Monday

I'm enjoying a lazy Monday of "Culture Day" and embracing my culture by talking to friends and family back home and reading English books and writing English words. I also ate a grilled cheese sandwhich. I think that is pretty American of me. I think that's a great culture day if you ask me.

I might venture out into the Japanese world for some food items, but besides that I am taking advantage of the cloudy day and staying in. I love these days where you can just read and not feel bad about it. It's hard not to with the business of the world today.

This past weekend was celebrated in Halloween spirit starting on Friday where a bunch of friends gathered together for a pumpkin themed dinner and some silly glasses wearing. Dinner was delicious and the company was good, as usual. Saturday we made our way to Tamana for a costume party. It consisted of way too many foreigners packed into a Japanese house dancing in mostly hilarious costumes. I found it to be entertaining, but I was mostly tired so it didn't turn out as exciting as I had initially anticipated.

The rest of the weekend I have been hanging low, reading and writing mostly. I watched the series "Firefly" with a friend last night which was nice. I even got some laundry done. Wow. I have no school on Wednesday, so I plan to do more then. I am looking forward to a shortened week, one of a few this month. Saturday is a 90th anniversery ceremony at my school and then a teacher dinner afterwards, so although the ceremony will be boring (especially since I won't be able to understand anything), I hope the dinner is ok.

I think it is time for a countdown!

Days until the weekend: 4
Days until my next short week: 12
Days until Dan comes: 28
AND less than 6 weeks until I leave for THAILAND to see my family :)

I will keep up with these countdowns spratically when the times get closer. That will be all for now, I am going to read more. Pictures above from school and other Hallow's Eve festivities!

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