Saturday, November 8, 2008

"I gotta hide away, far away"

Konnchiwa from the big island!

Upon coming on my blog to do my somewhat weekly update I realized there was nothing to really update. Things have been rather quiet around here and I am taking full advantage of that! In fact, after giving up on listening to my Japanese cd (in some attempt to subconsciously learn the language while I surfed the web), I have put on some soothing harp music. The rest of the day has been spent sleeping in, reading, writing a bit, eating and just taking it easy. I wish I could say I deserved it, but I don't so much feel that way.

Although in my defense against myself, I did teach a lot of classes on Thursday and Friday over the Presidential Elections and American gestures. Very closely related...if you think about it...Minus a few sleepy classes and a few boys who thought some English cussing was funny, it wasn't so bad, just tiring. The actual teaching isn't so bad, but the part where I have to be excited about everything since they don't know what I'm saying is a big tiring. I wasn't really that excited about gestures, but I had to act like it was the greatest thing in the world. And so goes the life of teaching...

Speaking of the election I would like to say congrats to the new President and hope that Mr. O can actually do what he talks about. People all around the world were rejoycing, and it is unbelievable to know that is how what we do in the U.S. effects the entire world. I was asking Japanese people about who they thought would win, and everyone, without a doubt, said Obama. It sure does feel pretty amazing to be here for such a historical moment. I can look back and tell the grandkids, "I was in Japan when the first African American President was elected, and I was lucky enough to be able to vote from there." And then I will probably continue on with a story I told them ten times already. They will love it.

Back to local news, this week is another sort one with a random no-schooler on Wednesday. This is because we have the big culture festival next week so they give you make up days since we have to devote our o-so precious weekends to school related functions. Both of my schools are having them and I have been asked to help decorate bamboo lanterns in one and to SING in another. I'm pretty sure the singing is choir style, but I would not be the least bit surprised if they told me I was singing some part by myself. Upon hearing that I would laugh and then explain to them as nicely as possible, I don't sing. At least not the kind of singing you want to hear. Thanks for the offer though.

Other than that I am going to try to keep up on the swimming and running and keep down on the eating. Speaking of eating, I am thinking about organizing a Thanksgiving for me and some of my friends, so I think that will be interesting. It is my intention that everyone brings something, but since there are no ovens I can't go to my fail safe idea of baking brownies. I also can't go for my other option of just buying some sort of dessert like treat at the store. Hum, I guess this one will require some creative thought on my part. Not that I am going to try and cook, I will just have to buy some foods and throw them together, hoping people will enjoy that.

The weather is starting to get a lot cooler and my package from my parents arrived just in time! It was full of winter clothes and a book that I read as soon as I opened the box. Getting the package home was a little bit more difficult since I had no trusty drivers this time, but luckily big red (my bike) was able to help me out and I could lean the package on the basket and hold it as I walked home. It was not the most pleasant of walks because everyone and their mother just about broke their necks staring at me. You would think I'd be used to it by now, but there are just some days that I would really rather them NOT stare. It so happens that when I can avoid the staring public, I do. Well, when I am in the mood I guess. Which consists of what I am doing right now--not venturing out into the Japanese world. There are just some days where it is nice not to have to put up with it.

Most of the time I am ok with it and I just don't think twice about it. And just so people don't think I am 100% hobbit, I am going to go out a little later. So don't worry!

Because of short weeks, I think this month should go by a little faster and then it will be December! We have our mid year conference at the beginning and then just two weeks of school before I get to take my winter vacation with the family. I am going to burst with excitement when the time comes. Until then I will do what I can around here to get ready. Which would be save money and save money. Yup.

Now I will venture out into the world. And write a lesson for tomorrow. Until next time, may the wind always be at your side and the money always flow your way. That's always the hope, right?

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