Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sweet October

Since I have a tough life and I have a total of four classes this week, I decided I would make time to write a little. I know, it is a busy schedule, I dont know how I am going to find time to do anything.

Ha. Sometimes having so much time is actually hard because I am beginning to become an expert of avoiding things like the plague (not like I was a beginner to start off with anyway...). Like learning Japanese. There is always something better to do. I mean I really need to check my mail and write and read and work out and eat and call friends and research random things like dreams, recipes, Maine, kg to lb and F to C converters, the Presidential Debate, the top 20 worst foods in America--Chipolte being the worst Mexican :(, the weather in Colorado, the sports in Denver and the happenings in Fort Collins. So after all that is said and done there is not much time left for studying. I try hard to fit it in though. I really do.

Well it is a three day week, which is just as well because it is moving rather slowly anyway. Overall though, October is going fast. Before I know it, it will be Halloween and I have no idea what I am going to be! Uh o, it looks like there is another thing I need to research...

Today I am teaching an adult class for like 30 min which should be interesting and then I am doing a little online chatting with the students for the computer teacher. Out of the kindness of my heart. After that it is home to get some things done before the craziness of the weekend sets in. There is a giant fireworks festival south-ish of here and a country concert (complete with Dierks Bentley!) up North in the Aso area on Sunday.

Last weekend went by so fast, I find it hard to believe it was four days long. I hung low until Saturday night where I met some friends in the city for some salsa dancing (well, I tried) which was a good time, but very tiring. The rest of the weekend was spent mainly with Cassandra which is always a guaranteed good time. Sunday we went to the mall, ate, went to look for Halloween costumes where I was unsuccessful, but she found a great Indian costume. Ahem, excuse me, Native American costume.

We then went to our friend, Talia`s and she made us an excellent dinner and we just hung out and watched a movie. We decided to take her up on her hospitality and stay the night just so we could wake up again and enjoy a delicious breakfast, a good movie and the great company. We then left and took a drive to none other than the BEACH. Which, let me tell you, was great. And I might also tell you that it was 30 mins away from my house. THIRTY. At home I could drive for 30 mins and end up at the stinky reservoir. So this was quite a bonus beach find. After enjoying our time at the beach we came home, made some scrumptious Carmel apples to bring to the little dinner party one of the girls was having. We enjoyed dinner and the company and by the time we got home, we were so full from our weekend eating that we decided to have a dance party. It has been much too long since a good dance party. After the glorious dancing, we feel into a deep slumber and awoke in good spirits the next day. We went to the pool so I could swim a little and help Cassandra with her newly learned stroke! She was getting good at that freestyle. We decided that she is going to learn a flip turn by the end of this year. So we have lots to practice!

So that, my friends, was my weekend. And now I am already planning for another. Looking ahead I have a lot coming up, most of which should be really fun. This is the year o' fun I have decided. Before putting my nose to the grindstone with teaching and eventually grad school.

Last night some friends and I went to the conveyor belt (katian) sushi place, which was just what I was craving. With a Coke, weirdly enough. I don`t even remember the last time I had pop. I don`t even know the last time I had sushi. That is a sad statement considering I live in Japan. I will do my best to eat more. And less karage which is fried chicken. I actually haven`t eaten that much, but it is best to just stay away from it all together.

The weather is getting much cooler which is such a relief. And by cooler I mean 65 F. Not much cooler, but anything works these days. I am looking forward to winter for the first time. I usually do get excited for the first few snows at home now that I think about it. But once January is over, I am ready for winter to be over as well. Not this year! I want it to last until July. I think their winter is rather short, and it starts warming up towards the beginning of the year. Ugh, the heat can take it's time for all I care.

I guess I have avoided the studying for long enough, so I will get to it. I will be posting pictures of my weekend so keep a weathered eye on the horizon! Until then `take what you can and give nothing back!` (something like that from Pirates of the Caribbean).

1 comment:

C Bryan said...

february is the coldest month, so have fun with that :) april is still nippy, you don't feel the heat until mid/late may/june anyway :p